Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Greatest Sound Ever

Be sure to turn your speakers up. It's great to hear him laugh.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jonas Update

It has been quite a while since we have last updated the blog. So, I thought I would at least give some kind of synopsis of what is going on in our lives. Jonas is starting to finally turn over from stomach to back. He has had the back to stomach turn for quite a while now. So, it is a huge blessing for him to turn from stomach to back, because he becomes so mad when he is on his stomach too long. Last night, he was just rolling across the floor. It was funny because he would get so mad on his stomach that he would hollar and then turn over. Then, he would just go right back on his stomach and get mad again. It was funny, but I felt bad because he was getting so mad.

Also, Jonas got a walker but for now it's a sitter. :) His legs can't touch the floor so we have to put a pillow beneath so he can at least stand up sometimes. He loves to play with the toys on it. I will have pictures of him in it sometime.

I have had friends and family tell me that kids grow up so fast. I would hear it, and that's about it. It is amazing how fast they grow up. Just the other day, Jonas was in the hospital about this big < >. He was so tiny. Now, I am struggling to carry him around in the carrier. It won't be long before we don't use it to carry him around in. Also, it is really amazing all the new things that he does every day. Just the other day, he found his feet. It's really funny because he is always holding them now. Now's he's rolling over, and it won't be long before he sits up and crawls. Amazing. Also, his facial expressions are awesome. He is a very smiley kid. Everyone we talk to always talks about how he smiles and how great it is. What they don't know is the other side. :) But that's ok. He's getting better.

Well, that's about it. Hopefully, I will be able to get on and post some more pictures.